User manual
1. Map screen
User Interactions:
— Pinch — zooms in or out on the map.
— Rotation — Changes the map direction based on the user rotating two fingers in a circular motion.
— Single tap to point — opens a menu that allows you to delete a point or make it active. The menu contains coordinates.
— Single tap to to the user’s location — opens a menu that allows you to set a waypoint or start, stop recording a track.
— Long tap to map — set point at the point of pressing.
— Double tap — zooms scale in on the map.
— Two-finger tap — zooms out on the map.
— Pan Scrolls — scrolling map.
— Two-finger drag — adjusts the slope of the map.
— One-finger zoom — Tap twice; on second tap, hold your finger on the map and pan up to zoom in, or down to zoom out.

-Tap on the user’s position will open a menu with information about the current coordinates or the current distance of the track when recording a track.
In the change, you can put a waypoint in the current position or start or stop recording a track. In the recording state, the right button turns green.
-Clicking the callout hides or shows buttons.
Tapping a waypoint will open a menu with the point’s name and coordinates. the point can be made active or deleted from the menu. Tap on the leader will bring up the menu for editing the point name and coord.
— Clicking on the compass icon will orient the map north relative to the heading of the phone.
Control buttons:
— Start — start recording a track.
— Stop- stop recording a track.
— Settings — go to settings screen.
— Points — go to the screen with saved points.
— Tracks — go to the screen with saved tracks and start recording a track.
— Load — go to the screen with saved maps or load the current map.
Map modes:
— None — the map does not follow the user location.
— Center — the map follows the user location.
— Head — the map follows the user location and rotates when the phone heading changes. User location annotation displays a fan-shaped indicator with the current heading. The heading indicator represents the direction the device is facing, which is sized according to the reported accuracy.
This tracking mode is disabled if the user pans the map view, but remains enabled if the user zooms in.
— Course — the map follows the user location and rotates when the course changes. Course represents the direction in which the device is traveling.
This tracking mode is disabled if the user pans the map view, but remains enabled if the user zooms in.
2. Offline maps screen
Loading maps:
On the main screen, select the desired area and press «load».
Enter the name of the map and the maximum zoom (optional). Click the download icon.
Warning! The download size is limited by the maps provider to 6,000 tiles. Do not increase the maximum zoom unnecessarily.
When you receive a warning about oversize — reduce the area or zoom out and reload.
Or download the desired area in parts.
The downloaded map will be kept until you delete it yourself.
Downloaded maps are used automatically and reduce internet traffic.
You can view the map by clicking on the line, or get information by clicking the info icon.
To increase performance and reduce Internet traffic, the used cards are stored in a temporary cache.
The cards that have not been used for a long time are automatically deleted from the cache.
You can completely clear the cache from the settings screen (not recommended).
3. Points screen
The name and coordinates of the points can be edited on the screen.
Clicking on the line causes the point to be shown on the map screen. Clicking on «i» — shows the point editing window.
— active point. For the active point the bearing is shown on the compass.
— passive point. Click the icon to change.
-Setting point activity — click on a point on the map.
select the icon from the drop-down menu.
-You can choose which points to show.
4. Tracks screen
The screen has several modes:
— viewing recorded tracks:
Select one or more tracks and click «done».
— track recording:
Click «start», recording will begin, displaying the track in red. During recording, the previously selected tracks will also be displayed in orange.
After clicking «start», the track name input menu will open (optional).
— continuation of a previously recorded track:
Select only one track to continue and click «Continue» — the selected track will continue from the most recent waypoint.
-Export and import of tracks and waypoints (to be described later)
Warning! Track recording is possible in the background.
In the settings menu you can set the mode «save battery». In this mode, the location manager will only run periodically with reduced accuracy — this will save your battery.
5. Settings screen
The screen has settings:
— map style
— disable unnecessary information elements
— you can enable automatic updating of downloaded maps .
The temporary cache stores the last used maps, this reduces Internet traffic and increases performance. Cards that have not been used for a long time will be deleted automatically.
— there are track quality settings:
the approximate distance between waypoints and a minimum turn angle filter for setting an additional waypoint. If you do not need to draw in detail the turns on the map, set the angle filter = 0, the filter will be turned off.
6. Importing Tracks and Waypoints
Example download from (other download methods are supported)
-open the track in the browser and click download, choose «Open in Traveler Compass», the track will open in the app:

— another option is to save the track to the download folder.
— click the file and it will open in the application, after which it can be marked active for display.

7. Export Tracks and Waypoints
-Mark the tracks or waypoints to be imported and click save.
-A screen will open with a choice of file transfer options, you can choose any method of sending convenient for you.

— You can save the file to a folder or iCloud Drive, later share the track from there.